Committed to Confidential, Compassionate Care, and Counsel!
We envision a world where people embrace all human life as sacred from conception to natural death; where children are valued and protected; a world where selective abortion and child sex trafficking are abolished, where children and youth are encouraged, educated and empowered to make informed, Christ-centered life-decisions.

Committed to Confidential, Compassionate Care, and Counsel!
We envision a world where people embrace all human life as sacred from conception to natural death; where children are valued and protected; a world where selective abortion and child sex trafficking are abolished, where children and youth are encouraged, educated and empowered to make informed, Christ-centered life-decisions.
Our Projects

Hebron House
A private, safe place, a home & an Empowerment Centre for marginalized girls and young women who desire life changes.

Daughters by Design
Daughters by Design promotes leadership development and empowers teens to become their best selves.

Pregnancy Resource Centre of Jamaica (PRCJ)
We seek to defend pre-born babies and holistically empower marginalized girls to be VICTORS through Prevention, Intervention, and Restoration services.